Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A pseudopathic society

An Afghan mother and her daughter begging on a street in Kabul
© Mohammad Popal / IRIN

If the human body was not able to recognize the disease. If the brain did not identify any threats and did not send signals of pain or physical discomfort; or if simply omitted the symptoms of a disease, what would be the result? Probably the disease would spread by the organism to lead to death.

The human brain is based on the perceived stimuli, learning, experience and culture to take decisions aimed to preserve life. However, the rupture between the perceived and the reality, which is known as pseudopathy, can lead directly to the opposite, the disappearance of life.

Today's society is moving in the field of pseudopathy. 

A society facing to real systemic threats that does not perceive any signal that invite to act, or else omits these signals to the extent that their status quo is not particularly affected. And in the opposite direction, a society that laments and mobilizes itself by trivial problems or banal events

Pseudopathic society can only help increase the social and environmental injustice.

To the extent that we connect our perception, free from manipulation, with the global reality that surrounds us, we are connecting with those who suffer, by making ours their suffering.

From pseudopathy to empathy: the path that society must cover beset by the current economic crisis, but above all, the underlying crisis of values ​​in modern society.


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