Sunday, October 23, 2011

Helpless heroes

Sometimes the answers to simple questions are harder to find. And the context of the question is as important as the answer itself.

I wonder why the heroes are those who decide to help the weakest. In our society most of us have sufficient ability and resources to do so.
I wonder why the courageous are those who defend their ideas. In our society the rights and freedoms are guaranteed constitutionally.
I wonder why the commitment and critical thinking are misfits attitude. In our information society, injustice, Human Rights violations, corruption and abuse of power are exposed to the public and are the source of the indignation from which commitment is born.

Is not this a distorted view of reality to keep alive a socially unfair and unsupportive system?
I wonder why social success is so away from commitment, activism and solidarity.
And ultimately, why we are not more supportive? Why commitment is the exception not the rule?

People of the global world we inhabit are also searching for answers. But only find silence, and silence is helplessness.
People who want democracy and whose governments use security forces that should protect them to suppress any peaceful demonstration, killing their sons and daughters.
People dispossessed of their lands, forced to become refugees in their own country.
People starving because their means of production have been stolen.
People whose natural resources are plundered and raped their sons and daughters.
Peoples enslaved and brutalized.
People looking for their dignity and freedom.
People who want peace and justice.
Braves to their chagrin. Heroes out of obligation.

Only those who are facing with the silence, oblivion and death, are chosen by fate to become real helpless heroes.

That their heroic gestures of every day for their survival, for their dignity, for defending their rights, for justice and for freedom that have at least a courageous response by those with the ability to choose.

Maybe I may never find answers to my questions, only silence, but while there are oppressed people is our duty to give them voice and not give up the fight to prevent the shadow of helplessness to be spread as a lethal blanket across our planet.


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