Sunday, April 17, 2011

Perverted systems

© Nancy Palus/IRIN


When Alan Greenspan testified in October 2008 that was partially wrong when he opted for deregulation, and was astonished to see that the interest of lending institutions had not been to protect shareholder's equity, recognized that markets and their laws lack any moral and ethical principles capable of taking into account the consequences of their actions on workers and consumers from which they obtain their wealth. The lack of regulation led to a crisis that, far from being an opportunity for change to undo the excesses of those who caused it, has served, if anything even more, to give more power to markets and to increase the inequality gap in the distribution of wealth.

It is clear, history shows that there is no perfect system. There are systems that have demonstrated better tolerance over time, and serve as a model for societies who lack of it. All systems are imperfect, even in its imperfection, the worst of sins is precisely the trend to be perverted over time. Something in that way happens to two systems that survive long and that their perversion is precisely the confabulation and connivence between them. I refer to democracy and market economy.

We vote for our representatives to execute the will of the people, but they are the boards of large companies who express their will and direct the economic policies of our governments. Our representatives are democratically elected, while on the boards of multinational companies, people have no capacity to decide on its composition. The world powers, in their eagerness to control natural resources, manage at will the emerging and corrupted democracies in least developed countries that are resource providers, or maintain dictatorial governments that use them as pawns in their favor. All this with the double standard that allows them to be advocates of Human Rights while tolerate violations of them in countries that provide the resources they need. Under the guise of democracy, world powers out to conquer of raw materials in a protectionist manner of their conglomerates, while preventing any attempt of protectionism from other governments. The interests of the big banks are also safe, as their high-risk lending, their speculative dealings in food markets and public debt of democratically elected governments, we are paying it together. And this definitely has an almost immediate effect on the world's most vulnerable, which will be further pushed to the edge of poverty, this border once trespassed requires as a toll to waive any opportunity to re-cross it in the other direction. And who cross that border it is because the welfare of a few ones displaces millions, leading them to poverty and neglect.

The people's will is not to subdue to other peoples, plunder their resources, dividing nations, promoting conflicts, corrupting governments, violating human rights, impoverish the poor, condem to hunger for millions of children, nor take them out of school to work . If the wealth of a few ones depends on it, this is not the will of the people expressed their rulers, and since I can not believe that our rulers do not have understood the mandate that we made, I can only think of confabulation and connivence between governments and markets as a perverted system to maintain the statu quo of a few ones at the expense of millions.

If I'm part of the perverse gear of this system, I will not hesitate one moment to use the means at my disposal to fight for the unequivocal will of a more egalitarian world to be executed by legitimate representatives democratically elected.

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