Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The wisdom of Destiny


As specified in Article 1 of Organic Law 1 / 2004 of 28 December on Integral Protection Measures against Gender Violence approved by the full House of Deputies at its session on December 22, 2004:

"Objective of this law is to act against violence, as a manifestation of discrimination, the inequality and power relations of men over women, that is exercised over them by those who are or have been their spouses or those who are or have been linked to them by similar affectivity relationships, even without cohabitation. "

The power relationships of men over women, along with discrimination and inequality, are identified as o
ne of the origins for what gender violence is manifested.

The expression of gender violence at the individual level is exercised over a woman by a man, but this is just a particular case of a generic manifestation of violence in our society and has its sources also in power relations
hips, inequality and discrimination.

The power relations rule our society in all respects. Of rulers over his people, companies over their employees, the economic power over the rulers, and thus, a web of relationships where the powerful dictate their laws according to their interests that prevail over those of the majority that is under its power.

In these relationships, those accumulating power, tend to consider the rest as mere possessions subject to its will, and this is the source of any abuse, because that account only increase the inequality gap.

Quoting Amin Maalouf in his book titled Leon l'Africain:

"- Monarchs, fortunately, are exceeded at times, if not for that, would not ever fall.
And then he added, his eyes sparkling:
- The madness of princes is the wisdom of Destiny "

Indeed, if we extrapolate both sentences to any aspect of our lives, we will prove that who has the power, whatever its nature, and has been granted in whatever way, tends to corrupt themselves and that will be, at the end, the reason for his downfall.

In our society, largely governed by men, we find evidence of the power relations of the rulers over his people, leaders who agree to maintain inequalities and discrimination as a way of defending their own interests. And corrupt governments cling to that power, because it is the source of his wealth.

These power relations have marked the history of mankind and have been the cause of violent wars, while they have contributed to maintaining inequalities and discrimination among people.

Are power relations closely linked to the form of government of men?

Is it more typical of women win-win relationships in which all participants benefit not necessarily at the expense of the defeat of others?

These are difficult questions to answer for their generic statement, but perhaps the first of them can be answered indirectly.

Women, in their role as mothers, have a unique ability to preserve life.

When there is conflict and men are recruited or killed, the woman does not leave her family, even risking her own life to keep her safe.

In the most extreme cases of sexual violence, women that have b
een raped or sexually enslaved, once released, do not give up the care of their children, even those that have been engendered after the rape. Resilient women who in most cases are rejected by their husbands and left on their own, they and their children without financial means to survive.

In violent societies, where drug trafficking corrupts everything around them, only a few women dare to fight this corruption, even at the expense of losing their own life.

In democracies where shares are held of female participation in the houses of representatives, there are courageous women standing as candidates, despite receiving death threats.

Strong women who can walk for miles with a sick child in arms for healthcare.

Illiterate women that have lessons every day although their communities are against female education.

Women and working mothers who carry the double burden of work responsibilities and family responsibilities.

Women that lead peaceful revolutions fighting for a more egalitarian society.

Pro-life women above all that say no to war.

If the excesses of men by building a society that discriminates against women because of gender, shows unequal opportunities, and that effectively does not protect women who are living in it will determine his fall, I agree t
o Malouf that according to the wisdom of Destiny, women will be put in their rightful place.

The history has been written by men, that the future be writen by women.

"The Socialist International, meeting in Copenhagen in 1910, proclaimed Women's Day, international in character as a tribute to the movement for women's rights and to help achieve universal suffrage. Clara Zetkin's proposal was approved unanimously by the conference of over 100 women from 17 countries. "

100 years of peaceful struggle.

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