Sunday, January 30, 2011



Raghda al-Wafi was born in Jabalah the 11 of September of 2001. The UN embargo and sanctions made it difficult to get the most basic products. Raghda's parents thought that they lost her in her first birthday when she became ill and hardly there were medicines to give her. Still, Raghda was a strong girl and went ahead with the attentive care and vigilance of her mother. While, his father desperately seeking any source of income that allowed him to buy medicines in the black market, almost the only way to supply itself of any product of first necessity.

Raghda turned two years in the midst of the bombings. Every night trembling with fear, like the boy who cries with the thunderclaps and lightning of a storm. Only in those stormy nights, the life of Raghda and her family were at the mercy of a guided missile that could hit in their house, just as it had done weeks before the house of her uncle.

Raghda's mother was busy every night to swallow his own fear and overcome the noise of the bombs to try to reassure her young daughter.

Raghda turned nine years, and his father thought that only a miracle had been able to maintain his family alive. Gave thanks to God every day for it.

The situation in the country after seven years of invasion was chaotic, but Raghda’s father had joined the Sahwa militia two years ago to fight against the members of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. If it is ultimately fulfilled the agreement of the Ministry of Defense to give effect to the recruitment of up to 10,000 of the Sahwa militias into the army and the security services of the Iraqi Government, the family's fortunes would change forever.

Raghda, although only nine years, and perhaps influenced by his father, was already contemplating a future as a teacher, having gone to college, helping the youth of his country to live in peace and freedom. Let no man or woman in Iraq had to face a horrible experience as she had lived as a child.

The story of Raghda al-Wafi and her family is fiction. The real story is the incident K16273. On December 13, 2010 a member of the Sahwa militia lost his wife and daughter in the explosion of a roadside bomb.
And nothing left to fight for.


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